These are crested Ralph Lauren courdoroy pants I had tailored to fit like a pair of Thom Browne pants (shrunken/ cropped) I saw in a store visited. They were tapered and hemmed about two inches - the world of a difference. Little to say people noticed, heads turned, ghetto gawks, and a trashy girl took a pic with a freakin flip phone (in 2010 c'mon)... Needless to say my confidence was tested and eventually proven. By the end of the day I didn't care anynmore.
Many people consider themselves stylish, but I can literally be the judge that. Looking neat is one thing, but being stylish you must put yourself uncharted territories to create your own identity. My look is always on the prepier side, but my signature is to play around with proportions and fits - like Thome Browne.
Many people cannot see the artistry it takes to put a look together. I pull elemets of drama, comedy, and suspense when I get dressed - do you? I take the risks necessary to keep my fashion image relevant. I validate my look when I see people turn their heads and I hear comments rangigng the gamut. It is then when I know I've hit a home run #success.
Like I said, your confidence will get tested - mines certainly has. Time when those time come up I look for inspiration. I saved this email from Marquis Phifer (Lateboots) and read it - and continue to read it - for inspiration.
"The moment you accept your creative gene is the moment that you turn your back to the rest of the world...When I started to get whispers and laughs from civilians is when I found the perfect look."
- Marquis Phifer
I've posted that a few times but words never rang so true and besides I have nice ankles and they deserve to be shown. Never let a mediocre majority stand in the way of creativity and mastery - especially when it comes to finding a look because look is so important and relevant in our time.

Aemon Weaver